San Blas Atempa is one of the 570 municipalities that make up the Mexican state of Oaxaca and also the municipal seat. It belongs to the district of Tehuantepec, within the isthmus region. Its head is the homonymous locality. Their inhabitants Binnizáa, as they call themselves, are descendants of the biguigla'sa ', warrior race, who proudly preserve their traditions, customs and their Zapotec language, with character and temperament, brave and strong, noble and proud of their lineage, the Zapotec lineage. It was founded in 1530 as one of the neighborhoods that make up Tehuantepec.
On October 2,1868, it obtained its political-territorial independence from Tehuantepec, thanks to the congress of the state granting it the petition to establish itself as a free municipality, in 1869 it obtains the category of town and in 1990 the category of town.