All the chats in San Salvador

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San Salvador

The municipality of San Salvador is one of the eighty-four municipalities that make up the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Whose municipal seat is the locality of San Salvador. The municipality is located at the center of Hidalgo's territory between the parallels 20°10 'and 20°25' north latitude. The meridians 98°57 and 99°11 'west longitude. With an altitude between 1900 and 2700 meters above sea level, this municipality has an area of ​​205.65 km2, and represents 0.99% of the state's surface, within the geographical region known as the Mezquital Valley. It borders to the north with the municipalities of Chilcuautla, Ixmiquilpan and Santiago de Anaya. To the east with the municipalities of Santiago de Anaya and Actopan.

To the south with the municipalities of Actopan, Ajacuba and Francisco I. Madero. To the west with the municipalities of Francisco I. Madero, Mixquiahuala de Juárez, Progreso de Obregón and Chilcuautla.