All the chats in Abangares

  1. Free chat in Juntas

Abangares is the seventh canton of the province of Guanacaste, in Costa Rica, being the closest of that province to the national capital San José. Its head is the city of Las Juntas, located at an altitude of 150 meters, at the foot of the Sierra Minera de Tilarán. According to the National Census of 2011, the population of the canton was 18,039 inhabitants, of which, 3.7% was born abroad. The same census highlights that there were 5,311 occupied dwellings, of which, 49.7% were in good condition and there were problems of overcrowding in 5.4% of the dwellings.30.4% of its inhabitants lived in urban areas. Among other data, the literacy level of the canton is 95.5%, with an average schooling of 6.8 years.