- Chats in Goodlands
- Chats in Rivière du Rempart
- Chats in Grand Baie
- Chats in Petit Raffray
- Chats in Grand Gaube
- Chats in Piton
- Chats in Cap Malheureux
- Chats in Plaines des Roches
- Chats in The Vale
- Chats in Cottage
- Chats in Roche Terre
Rivière du Rempart
Rivière du Rempart is one of the districts of Mauritius, located northeast of the island. Its capital is the city of Mapou, but its biggest city is Grand Bay, famous for its hotels. Other major cities in the district are Cape Malheureux and Grand Gaube located in the coastal area. Rivière du Rempart is connected by two roads and is located northeast of Port Louis and north of Grand Port.