All the chats in Guna Yala

  1. Chats in Ustupo
Guna Yala

Guna Yala is an indigenous region in Panama, inhabited by the Guna ethnic group. Formerly the region was called San Blas until 1998 and Kuna Yala until 2010. Its capital is Gairgirgordub. It borders on the north with the Caribbean Sea, on the south with the province of Darién and the Emberá Wounnan region, on the east with Colombia and on the west with the province of Colón.

The area was formally known as San Blas, along with the indigenous name of Kuna Yala, but was changed in October 2011 when the Government of Panama recognized the assertion of the Guna people that in their mother tongue there was no phoneme for the letter "K" ", and that the official name should be" Guna Yala ". Guna Yala in guna language means "Land Guna" or "Mountain Guna".