- Chats in Barranquilla
- Chats in Soledad
- Chats in Malambo
- Chats in Sabanalarga
- Chats in Baranoa
- Chats in Palmar de Varela
- Chats in Puerto Colombia
- Chats in Santo Tomás
- Chats in Sabanagrande
- Chats in Campo de la Cruz
- Chats in Galapa
- Chats in Repelón
- Chats in Santa Lucía
- Chats in Manatí
- Chats in Luruaco
- Chats in Polonuevo
- Chats in Candelaria
- Chats in Ponedera
- Chats in Suan
- Chats in Usiacurí
- Chats in Juan de Acosta
- Chats in Tubará
- Chats in Piojó
The Atlantic is one of the thirty-two departments of Colombia. Its capital is Barranquilla. Located in the Caribbean region, it borders on the North with the Caribbean Sea, on the East with the Magdalena River and on the West with the Department of Bolívar. With approximately 2,500,000 inhabitants in 2015, it is the fourth most populated department - behind Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Cundinamarca. With 3 019 km² it is the third least extensive - ahead of Quindío and San Andrés and Providencia, the least extensive - and with 815 inhabitants / km² it is the second most densely populated - behind San Andrés and Providencia.