All the chats in Quetzaltenango

  1. Chats in Quetzaltenango
  2. Chats in Coatepeque
  3. Chats in Ostuncalco
  4. Chats in Cantel
  5. Chats in Colomba
  6. Chats in La Esperanza
  7. Chats in El Palmar
  8. Chats in Flores Costa Cuca
  9. Chats in Salcajá
  10. Chats in Cabricán
  11. Chats in Almolonga
  12. Chats in Zunil
  13. Chats in Huitán
  14. Chats in Samayac
  15. Chats in Concepción Chiquirichapa
  16. Chats in San Miguel Sigüilá
  17. Chats in San Carlos Sija
  18. Chats in San Mateo
  19. Chats in Génova
  20. Chats in San Martín Sacatepéquez
  21. Chats in Cajolá

Quetzaltenango is a department of Guatemala. Its head is Quetzaltenango. The department of Quetzaltenango has 1,953 km², equivalent to 1.8% of the national territory. At the departmental level, 60.57% of the population is indigenous, a percentage higher than that observed at the national level. Predominates the K'iche 'ethnic group and Mam. Spanish is spoken, official language, but also K'iche 'and Mam are spoken.