All the chats in Chile

  1. Chats in Antofagasta
  2. Chats in Araucanía
  3. Chats in Arica y Parinacota
  4. Chats in Atacama
  5. Chats in Aysén
  6. Chats in Biobío
  7. Chats in Coquimbo Region
  8. Chats in Los Lagos Region
  9. Chats in Los Ríos Region
  10. Chats in Maule Region
  11. Chats in Ñuble
  12. Chats in O'Higgins Region
  13. Chats in Region of Magallanes
  14. Chats in Santiago Metropolitan
  15. Chats in Tarapacá
  16. Chats in Valparaíso

Chile is a country located in the southwestern tip of South America. Its official name is Republic of Chile and its capital is the city of Santiago. The National Congress is based in Valparaíso. Chile is described as consisting of three geographical zones, the first of which, continental Chile, comprises a strip on the west coast of the Southern Cone that extends between the parallels 17°29'57 "S and 56°32'12" S, mostly from the southeastern shore of the Pacific Ocean to the highest dividing peaks of waters of the Andes mountain range. It reaches a length of 4270 km, a maximum width of 445 km at 52°21 'S and a minimum of 99 km at 31°37' S.

It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast and Argentina to the east, totaling 7801 km of land borders, and the Drake Passage to the south. The second, Chile insular, corresponds to a set of islands of volcanic origin in the South Pacific Ocean: the Juan Fernández archipelago and the Desventuradas islands, belonging to South America, Salas and Gómez Island and Easter Island, located in Oceania. The third, the Chilean Antarctic Territory, is an area of ​​Antarctica of 1 250 257.6 km² between the meridians 53°W and 90°W on which Chile claims sovereignty, extending its southern limit to the South Pole. This claim is subject to the provisions of Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty, of which Chile is a signatory. Due to the above, Chile defines itself as a tri-continental country.

Chile has a coastline of 6 435 km in length and exercises exclusive rights, claims of varying degree and sovereignty over its maritime space, called the Chilean Sea, which comprises four zones: the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the zone exclusive economic and the corresponding continental shelf. It is considered a high-income and developing country, with more than 18 million inhabitants averaging literacy rates, quality of life, economic growth, human development, life expectancy, globalization And GDP per capita that are among the highest in Latin America.